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How to manually add a LinkedIn post to your feed or change the date of a post

For those times when you would like to speed things up and add a LinkedIn post manually.
Updated 3 months ago

LinkedIn is one of the platforms on Juicer that allows manual post addition. Here's how: 

  1. Adding a LinkedIn Post Manually
  2. Updating Dates of Imported Posts

Adding a LinkedIn Post Manually

First, get your post link from LinkedIn. Navigate to the Posts section on the LinkedIn profile.
  1. Navigate to the Posts section on the LinkedIn profile.
  2. Sort the posts by Recent
  3. Click on the … menu on the post you want to import manually
  4. Click 🔗 Copy link to post


On Juicer, go to your feed Dashboard and:

  1. Click on Social Media Sources menu
  2. Locate your LI feed and expand its dropdown menu
  3. Click Add Post Manually  


A pop-up will appear where you can paste the copied post link and click Add Post button.


If successful, the post will appear at the top of your Juicer feed.


Updating Dates of Imported Posts

To change a LinkedIn post's position in your feed, adjust its timestamp:

  1. Hover over the post and click the Edit button

  2. Click on the date strip
  3. Choose the desired date and time
  4. Click Update Post button

The post will then reposition itself in the timeline based on the new timestamp.

If you have any questions or need any help, please email us at hello@juicer.io.

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