Even if your card on file is working elsewhere, banks can still decline your payment to Juicer for a variety of reasons.
In some cases, a credit or debit card for an account with sufficient funds can still be declined by your card provider. This most commonly occurs as a security measure by your bank or credit union, which notices that Juicer is processing a monthly or yearly payment.
In these situations, you can either try another card or alert your current card provider that Juicer is a safe vendor and that you approve future transactions.
If you'd like to know the specific error the bank is returning to Juicer, please contact us at hello@juicer.io. Please note that Juicer cannot "force" through a payment when this occurs, as your card provider is declining the transaction, although we can try again manually for you.
If you have any questions or need any help, please email us at hello@juicer.io.