If Juicer is interfering with your website's functionality, particularly navigation menus, try these solutions:
- Use No-jQuery Version: Replace the standard JS line in your embed code with:
<script src="//assets.juicer.io/embed-no-jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- Use a Different jQuery Version:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-/JqT3SQfawRcv/BIHPThkBvs0OEvtFFmqPF/lYI/Cxo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.juicer.io/embed/YOUR-FEED-ID/embed-code.js?nojquery=true" async defer></script>
⚠️ Note: Remember to replaceYOUR-FEED-ID
with your actual feed ID. - Use iframe Version:
Located on your feed’s Dashboard, accessible via the 'Embed
' button in the top-right corner.
⚠️ Note: Not responsive and lacks post overlay feature - WordPress Users: Consider using the Juicer WordPress plugin. More information on that can be found here.
⚠️ Note: After making these changes, please clear your browser cache and test.
If issues persist, email the webpage URL with the original Juicer code to hello@juicer.io for support.