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What to do if Juicer is breaking parts of your website

jQuery or no-jQuery
Updated 2 months ago
The standard embed code for Juicer can sometimes interfere with other functions on the page, typically navigation menus. Try this fix.
The Juicer embed code automatically includes jQuery. On some websites, this can cause problems elsewhere on the page where you insert the Juicer code. Oftentimes, it's navigation menus that are affected. 

The easiest way to handle this is to replace the JS line in your Juicer embed code. Simply replace this line of the code:

<script src="//assets.juicer.io/embed.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
with this:
<script src="//assets.juicer.io/embed-no-jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Alternatively, you can even choose to use a different version of jQuery, using the code below.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-/JqT3SQfawRcv/BIHPThkBvs0OEvtFFmqPF/lYI/Cxo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.juicer.io/embed/YOUR-FEED-ID/embed-code.js?nojquery=true" async defer></script>

Try the above, then clear your browser cache and see if the problem has been addressed. If not, it's best if you can send the URL of your webpage to us at hello@juicer.io, with the original Juicer code still included on the page.

⚠️ When using the code above, do not forget to replace the YOUR-FEED-ID placeholder with your real feed ID.

If you are looking for an immediate fix, you can also insert the iframe version of Juicer, instead of the standard embed code. This is available in the "Embed in your site" panel of the Juicer dashboard, along the left-hand toolbar, as shown here:



Just keep in mind that the iframe version of Juicer does not have a responsive design or the post overlay (pop-up) feature.

⚠️ Please bear in mind that if you are using your Juicer feed on a WordPress website, it might also help if you embed your feed using our WP plugin. More information here.

If you have any questions or need any help, please email us at hello@juicer.io.

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