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Embed Juicer feed into your website

Updated 3 months ago


There are several ways of embedding your Juicer feed into a website.

The steps to take depend on the platform you use.


We can distinguish these embedding approaches:

1. Standard website

2. WordPress

3. iframe


❗ Please note that all the embed source code is waiting for you in your feed's side menu, under the “Embed in your Site” option. 


Do not directly copy the code shown below without replacing
YOUR-JUICER-FEED-NAME with your own feed name. 


1. Standard website

This is the code you need to copy and paste into your site to show your Juicer feed:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.juicer.io/embed/YOUR-JUICER-FEED-NAME/embed-code.js" async defer></script>


2. WordPress

We have a longer article on Juicer WordPress Plugin installation at Installing Juicer on a WordPress site.

If you are using a WordPress site, first install our plugin, then use this shortcode on any page or post:

[juicer name='YOUR-JUICER-FEED-NAME']

Or, if you'd rather integrate it into your WordPress template, paste this into one of your template files:

<?php juicer_feed('name=YOUR-JUICER-FEED-NAME'); ?>

That's it! Once you've got it embedded, you shouldn't have to touch it.


3. iframe

In case that neither of the two previous options is acceptable for you, you can embed the feed using an iframe.

<iframe src='https://www.juicer.io/api/feeds/YOUR-JUICER-FEED-NAME/iframe' frameborder='0' width='1000' height='1000' style='display:block;margin:0 auto;'></iframe>

⚠️ Please note that feeds embedded via iframe do not support overlays, as they cannot be controlled within the frame, and they cannot be displayed outside the iframe.

If you have any questions or need any help, please email us at hello@juicer.io.

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