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LinkedIn sources - Adding, troubleshooting and limitations

Updated 1 week ago

How to connect your LinkedIn page?

Juicer supports importing your company, school, showcase*, or private LinkedIn pages into your Juicer social feed.

* If you're adding a /showcase/ profile URL, please replace the word showcase with company and then proceed to add it.


Even though partial URLs will work, it's always best to copy the whole URL from the desired LinkedIn page, and then paste it into the LinkedIn Page URL field in Juicer.
Example: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nasa


Please note the following restrictions of the LinkedIn integration:

  • Juicer can only obtain approximately 10 last posts from a LinkedIn page. We can then obtain new posts going forward.
  • Currently, Juicer cannot display:
    • the date of posts
      • all imported posts will have the timestamp of the current date, but this can be edited manually if needed
    • multi-image posts
      • only the first image will be shown
    • slideshows
    • image previews of YouTube videos mentioned in a post
    • reposted post
      • unless you add some content to your post when reposting

The unsupported features above are on our roadmap, and they will eventually become a part of our offer.


🌱 If you would like to add a post to your LinkedIn feed manually, you can do it following the instructions described in How to manually add a LinkedIn post to your feed.


If you have any questions or need any help, please email us at hello@juicer.io.

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